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  • Call notice date 25.07.2023
  • Deadline for application submission 04.09.2023

The Sant'Anna School by Rectoral Decree no. 538 dated July, 25, 2023, whose notice has been published on Gazzetta Ufficiale, Serie Concorsi ed Esami no. 59 dated August, 04,2023, has opened a call for the recruitment of one permanent position of Associate Professor (Level 2: “Professore Universitario di Ruolo di II Fascia”), reserved for candidates who have not served or have not held research grants or been enrolled on university courses at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in the last three years, pursuant to Article 18, paragraph 4, of Law 240/2010, in the frame of the Department of Excellence Robotics & I.A. at Academic Faculty of Experimental and Applied Sciences and the Telecommunications, Computer Engineering, and Photonics Institute (TeCIP) in the Academic Recruitment Field “Information Processing Systems” (09/H1) – Academic Discipline “Information Processing Systems” (ING-INF/05).

Deadline: by September, 4, 2023

Candidates are requested to apply here: since August, 4, 2023.

(For technical support for the application please contact CINECA support via the link you find at the bottom of the page


By Rectoral Decree no. 690 dated October, 11, 2023 has been appointed the committee.

First meeting

The committee has held the first meeting on November, 16, 2023.


By Rectoral decree no 45 dated January 25, 2024, Dr Andrea Saracino has been declared winner.

For more information, please call +39 050 883-575-576-258 or write to